You need to have a local copy of our Comodit Bootstrap image. You can retrieve it here: Comodit Bootstrap image
To import the Comodit Bootstrap image, you need to create a new machine with an existing Eucalyptus image machine. Then, you need to create and attach a volume on it. After that, you need to copy the Comodit Bootstrap image into the attached volume. Finally, you can detach the volume, create a snapshot and register the new Comodit Bootstrap image.
euca-run-instances <image_id> -k <key_pair>
euca-run-instances emi-F4E33814
euca-create-volume -z <zone> -s <size>
euca-create-volume -z cluster01 -s 10
euca-attach-volume <volume_id> -i <instance_id> -d <device_name>
euca-attach-volume vol-DF9642BD -i i-C39843F9 -d vdb
First of all, you need to retrieve the device name of the new volume on the new machine. This information can be retrieved using the fdisk command.
fdisk -l
Now, you can copy the Comodit Bootstrap image into the good device given by the fdisk command.
dd if=cirros.img.gz bs=1M | ssh root@\<instance_ip\> -i \<key\> "gunzip - | dd of=/dev/\<device\> bs=1M"
dd if=cirros.img.gz bs=1M | ssh root@ -i gerard_dethier.pem "gunzip - | dd of=/dev/vdb bs=1M"
Once the copy of the Comodit Bootstrap is complete, you can detach the volume.
euca-detach-volume <volume_id>
euca-detach-volume vol-DF9642BD
When the volume is completely detached, you have to create a snapshot.
euca-create-snapshot <volume_id>
euca-create-snapshot vol-DF9642BD
Finally, you are ready to register the Comodit Bootstrap image!
euca-register -n <image_name> --root-device-name /dev/vda -b /dev/vda=<snapshot_id>
euca-register -n comodit-bootstrap --root-device-name /dev/vda -b /dev/vda=snap-1EDC42CF
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