Package comodit_client :: Package api :: Module collection :: Class Collection

Class Collection

Collections base class. ComodIT server maintains collections of entities. Entities are listed, retrieved, created and deleted through these collections. Each collection has a unique URL. An instance of Collection is a local representation of a remote ComodIT collection. Requests are sent to ComodIT server to clear or list the content of the collection, or to get a particular entity of the collection. Creation and update of particular remote entities must be handled by subclasses. Also, subclasses should provide local entity instantiation helpers. Indeed, creation, update and instantiation are specific to entity type.

Note that some operations on collections are optional. For instance, a read-only collection will not allow the deletion, update or creation of entities. In particular, most collections do not allow clear operation.

Collection instances may be iterated with for ... in construction. For instance, the following snippet prints the name of all entities of collection c.

>>> for r in c:
...    print

Above snippet is equivalent to:

>>> for r in c.list():
...    print
Instance Methods
__init__(self, client, url)
Creates an instance of collection.
refresh(self, entity, parameters={})
Updates the local representation of a remote entity.
list of Entity
list(self, parameters={})
Fetches the entities in this collection.
Provides an iterator on the entities of this collection.
get(self, identifier='', parameters={})
Retrieves a particular entity of this collection.
delete(self, identifier, parameters={})
Deletes a particular entity in this collection.
clear(self, parameters={})
Clears the content of the collection i.e.

Inherited from object: __long__, __native__, __nonzero__, __unicode__, next

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__


Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, client, url)


Creates an instance of collection. Note that Collection class should never be instantiated directly.

  • client (Client) - ComodIT client.
  • url (string) - URL of remote collection on ComodIT server. This URL must be relative to ComodIT server's API URL and should not start with a slash.
Overrides: object.__init__

refresh(self, entity, parameters={})


Updates the local representation of a remote entity.

  • entity (Entity) - Entity's local representation.
  • parameters (dict of strings) - Query parameters to send to ComodIT server.

list(self, parameters={})


Fetches the entities in this collection.

  • parameters (dict of strings) - Query parameters to send to ComodIT server.
Returns: list of Entity



Provides an iterator on the entities of this collection.

Returns: iterator
An iterator object

get(self, identifier='', parameters={})


Retrieves a particular entity of this collection.

  • identifier (string) - The identifier of the entity to retrieve.
  • parameters (dict of strings) - Query parameters to send to ComodIT server.
Returns: Entity
An entity representation.

delete(self, identifier, parameters={})


Deletes a particular entity in this collection.

  • identifier (string) - The identifier of the entity to delete.
  • parameters (dict of strings) - Query parameters to send to ComodIT server.

clear(self, parameters={})


Clears the content of the collection i.e. deletes all entities of the collection. As a result, a subsequent call to list would return an empty list (if nobody re-added entities to the list in the meantime).

  • parameters (dict of strings) - Query parameters to send to ComodIT server.